Digital Resources Center

What is DRC ?

Digital resources center (DRC) is a collection of digital objects, including texts, video and audio with methods for access and retrieval ,and for selection, organization ,and maintenance of the collection.

Not only that, it also manage collections of information, with associated services, where the information is stored in digital formats and accessible over a network.

In which way DRC relates to the topic?

DRC relates to this topic which is "Wedding of 1Malaysia" in so many ways. One of it is provide information to the public about the cultures, rituals and information about the wedding.

Furthermore, it also acknowledge the users on how this wedding works and where to access the further information.

Mission & Vision of DRC in this field

  • Improve the point of view those who are visually impaired through awareness, resources, and solutions about the wedding in Malaysia.
  • To provide users/researchers with services & information appropriately.
  • To help users understand more about the rituals/cultures happened during the wedding.
  • Assist users to access to the other collections of the wedding that we have.

Objectives of DRC

Can support new formats of group collaboration in the creation and use of information,new communities of practice of wedding field.

Support the creation and use new more dynamic, integrated formats for representing data,information and knowledge in wedding field to the users around the world.

To have effective and expedient blog services in wedding field if users are to access resources that are available in full-text online.

To provide the resources available in full-text online which including the e-journals, full-text databases, digitized collections, e-books or even web that are accessible anywhere and anytime all over the world.

Benefits of DRC
  • Make available for public to access resources.
  • Show high profile of the agencies involved.
  • Enhance process of learning which is to make it more interactive.
  • Save time, cost and space because it can be access online through worldwide web.

Management of DRC in this field

Personnel - Manage by two staff. One is in charge on the services while the other one is managing the collections and updating the blog.

Information resources - E-Journals, E-Magazines, Blogs, Webpages,
& Videos.

Hardware & Software - Computers, Video Recorder, Cameras, Digitized machines, Windows, OS & etc.

Communication Technology -  Server, Internet, E-mails, Instant Messaging, Twitter.

Equipment & Utilities - E-media, paper based materials, computer, projector slide, recorder and etc.